Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Family Technology Trends

http://gnomedex.com - http://twitter.com/chrispirillo - http://facebook.com/chrispirillo - The family that gets geeky together stays together. That's how the saying goes, isn't it? It doesn't matter, I suppose. I happen to know that it's very true. My parents - Joe and Judy Pirillo - and my brother Adam were all here to help with the Gnomedex conference. While hanging around at the house late one night after the event had ended for the day, I noticed that everyone was playing with some type of gadget. Here you see Dad shooting things on the iPad while Mom is griping at a game on her iPod Touch. Adam, of course, couldn't resist stepping in to help Dad get his game on. Does your family get geeky together? http://twitter.com/joepirillo - http://twitter.com/frojive
Formats available: MPEG4 Video (.mp4)

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